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Course Descriptions

MET 203 - Technical Mechanics, Statics

3 Credits

This course engages the student in the study of the Vector Mechanics of Mechanical Systems in Static Equilibrium. The student will study Force Systems, Constraint Mechanisms, Basic Beam Theory and Structures including: Trusses, Frames and Machines. The course prepares the student in the basic development of equations and systems of equations necessary for the solution to engineering problems needed for future study.

Pre-requisite(s): MTH 140, MTH 152 or MTH 165 each with a grade of C or better; Co-requisite: PHY 131 or higher (or previously completed)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Create solutions to complex engineering structures and machines in static equilibrium.
2. Evaluate the appropriate mathematical tools necessary for the solution of beams, structures or machines in static equilibrium.
3. Apply the appropriate mathematical tools necessary for the solution of beams, structures, or machines in static equilibrium
4. Analyze an actual truss, frame, or machine under typical load conditions.
5. Describe the basic construct of static analysis as applied to civil and commercial structures.

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025