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Course Descriptions

ART 200 - Arts Management

3 Credits

This course offers an opportunity to experience the day to day challenges of administrating a museum, gallery, box office, performing groups, music recording studio and theater. The student will examine the many aspects of organizing, planning, preparation, promotion and presentation of arts events and productions. The student will learn the methods of working with artists, budgeting, contracts and grant writing. Utilizing Monroe Community College's Visual and Performing Arts department facilities and other experimental spaces around the campus and Greater Rochester, students will have an opportunity to get hands-on experiences working in the field. The course will have invited guest speakers, art critics, arts managers, and other arts professionals. Field trips to the areas cultural resources will familiarize the student with the rewarding career possibilities in these professions.

Prerequisite: Minimum of 24 credits of college course study.

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate management and knowledge skills such as the ability to plan, present and evaluate various types of ideas and events in and about the arts.
2. Demonstrate writing and research skills for grant writing, proposals, evaluation and assessment. Develop aesthetic sensitivity with technical and cognitive skills.
3. Demonstrate through keen observation, discussion, questions and reflection on works of art and art production through visual and written analysis of and about these experiences.
4. Utilize creativity and develop skills of perception, reflection, interpretation and communication.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025